Your donation helps house six female Community College students in LA.

Homelessness is not just a crisis on our streets. It’s a plight affecting our community colleges too. We are looking not only to house six students but to provide them with every resource they need. Beyond basics such as meals and clothing, this program will offer on-site Coaching, Mental Health Services, Group wellness, and Tutoring to ensure they leave as the next generation of LA leaders.
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our Facebook Campaign.
Let’s champion six students by doing
the #6x6LA challenge
This is more than just a challenge, it is a community initiative to raise awareness and connect with more people who are ready to make a difference.
It’s simple, do 6 push-ups, donate $6, nominate and nominate 6 friends.
Watch the video and share!.

In Los Angeles’ homelessness crisis in which an estimated 66,000 individuals lack proper housing, it’s sometimes easy to miss those one tier away from homelessness – the housing insecure. These are individuals who have some form of housing, but lack any true security when it comes to their long-term, often bouncing from one poorly-sustained unit to another, living on a knife’s edge between achieving their future or falling into homelessness on a weekly or monthly basis.
Community College students are disproportionately affected and face an uphill battle towards their education and their livelihoods: In 2019, An estimated 60% of all Californian community college students have experienced housing insecurity. Without any help, these individuals can quickly fall into homelessness and lack the resources to continue their education and exacerbate the housing crisis our community faces.
The SixforSixLA campaign aims to change that: we’re looking to house 6 female community college students and provide them not only with the basic resources they need to make a house a home, but provide them Mental Health Services, Academic Support, and Group Wellness Sessions to best address the needs of these students.
We’re not just looking to house students; we’re looking to build LA’s future generations by giving what they need to succeed.
Please consider donating to our efforts, or learn more about how End Homelessness California DBA The Shower of Hope is working to build Hope within our community